How to remember vocabulary with Flashcards app
Do you want to hack your brain and find the most effective way to learn vocabulary? We have 4 tips to learn vocabulary easily but effectively.
Spaced repetition system (SRS) is a method of effective repetition that not only The Guardian recommends. So, how to memorize vocabulary fast? Or better said … how to remember vocabulary once and for all?
So, if you are looking for the best SRS app for language learning, you might find your candidate.

How to learn vocabulary fast?
Flashcards combined with SRS in vocabulary learning app Vocabulary Miner makes learning vocabulary in a foreign language easy. You will remember the words this time!
❓?Before we start, join our Facebook group Learn vocabulary supported by Vocabulary Miner to have your questions answered by the community or the team behind Vocabulary Miner and get inspired. We all need it from time to time.
1. A little goes a long way. 15 minutes a day will do the magic.
❓ How:
Vocabulary builder app Vocabulary Miner works in learning cycles.
In every cycle, you get 20 words based on the special algorithm behind the learning that puts the words you cannot remember more often in the learning process.
How to remember vocabulary and how to increase your vocabulary? 15 minutes of learning is pretty much enough to learn vocabulary effectively.

After some time, the app proposes to learn new words from a different Word list because the constant repetition of the same Word list won’t be effective anymore.
Come back later!
If you do not come back next few days to practice the Word list, a notification will remind you to come and learn vocabulary in Vocabulary Miner because it is effective again.
Want to read more about when to come back and learn? College Infogeek has an awesome article on the history and effectiveness of spaced repetition.
? WHY does it work like this? Dive into explanation…
- Our brain cannot remember new information if it was exposed to it a lot but only in a short time. Cramming has a short-term effect and you forget easily.
- The brain remembers information that reoccurs regularly because the brain deems it important. You have to give your brain the feeling, that because the brain comes into contact with new words regularly, the new words are really important.
(It is like any television advertisement that runs 10 times a day and you remember the melody and words after a couple of months without trying. ) - . That is the way how to improve vocabulary fast.
2. Learn the words you cannot remember
❓ How:
Vocabulary Miner makes you actively recall the words from your memory, so it creates new neural pathways to the brain from the words in the learning cycle.
The words you don’t remember will pop up more often than the ones you already remember.
? TIP> Combine more Word lists so the spaced repetition system (SRS) can do the magic and practice with you the words you really don’t know. The more words, the more precise algorithm.

Why does it work like this:
- Your brain needs to create a neural path between the word and its translation. You need to come across the word and its translation more often to create the neural path.
- It is not effective to go through all new words. The algorithm chooses the “hard-to-remember” ones and you learn them more often.
3. Change the language direction
❓ How:
Vocabulary Miner enables you to switch the language you see the first on Flashcards.
It is a great start to see firstly the word in a language you are learning e.g. in English “car”. Try to recall its translation and then click on the Flashcard to see its translation in your native language e.g. in Czech “auto”.
In a short time, you will remember the connection between car = auto.
But how to remember vocabulary really well in both languages?
It is effective to change the language direction and see firstly “auto” (in your native language) and then recall “car” from your memory as a new word in a foreign language.
? TIP>You can change the language direction in “Learning options” of Vocabulary Miner in the right upper corner of the Learning screen by clicking at three dots.
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Why does it work like this:
- It is easier to recall a translation of a word in our native language because meanings in our native language are a natural part of our brains. Changing language direction while learning makes the connection between the word and its translation much stronger and both meanings become active.
4. How to remember the vocabulary you really need? Make your own vocabulary list
❓ How:
The great way to learn new words you really need is to make your own vocabulary list. In the Vocabulary Miner, the vocabulary builder, you can do it easily. Just follow this tutorial on how to Make your own Flashcards in the Flashcard app in 4 easy steps.
? TIP> If you want to save some time, the vocabulary builder app Vocabulary Miner has a database of more than a million ready-to-learn Flashcards in over 15 languages. You can learn immediately. For the start, let’s try the most common 1000 words in French, the most common 1000 words in Spanish, the most common 1000 words in Czech, and the most common 1000 words in Slovak.
Why does it work like this?
- When we create our own Flashcards, we learn while creating
- Downloaded Word lists save time
So do you already know how to learn new words fast? Let’s do it!
Do you wonder how the Flashcard app Vocabulary Miner came into existence? Then read our article How frustration from learning vocabulary created Vocabulary Miner.
Do you wonder what other Flashcard apps are and what is the difference between Vocabulary Miner and them? Read 2020 Update: Ultimate Guide to Find the Best Flashcard Apps for Learning Vocabulary.
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