Teaching English: It is easy to get to the basic level but English is an evolving language
She encourages her students to open their minds and see connections between the world and the language. Markéta has been teaching foreign language since 2003. Now she is teaching English through Mylessons.cz.
Her English speaking courses are personalized for each and every student. Moreover, she understands that the world is constantly changing and so does English language, its teaching and learning.

Who are you?
I have been teaching English since 2003. My lessons for individuals and for company classes are not only about English. We often discuss current affairs and share opinions on how to perceive them – with an open mind and critical thinking.
How did you become an English lecturer?
I never really wanted to become a lecturer, but I guess my personality was somehow heading to this direction naturally. I am still so amazed by the endless creativity and determination of language lecturers to introduce modern, more effective yet entertaining methods to their students. The energy we share at my lessons with my students, the way they motivate and inspire each other and myself too feels so rewarding to me. This is my “WHY” in this job.
What is really interesting about English?
The real beauty of English is the simple fact that it is all around us. We are being exposed to everyday English in so many ways.
It is easy to get to the basic level, but the more you get into this language, the more you realize how challenging it still can be.
What are you trying to show your students besides English?
Any current affair creates a new vocabulary. English is an evolving, live language.
I can also see how fear of making mistakes is often an obstacle in students’ communication skills. I try to show them how to get rid of this fear by creating a relaxing, supportive atmosphere. I emphasize the importance of not being too critical to themselves, but to enjoy the process of learning more freely and to see the mistake as a natural part of their learning process.
How do you teach in times of corona virus and online learning (online teaching language)?
With no coursebooks, just individual lesson plans specially targeted and tailored to different needs of each and every client, we often work actively on our motivation by stating it on a printed motivation card. Once it is written down they are more committed to it, it then becomes their clear vision they are actively working on.

My students are of same age as me. Online learning is for them as new as online teaching is for me. It comes not as natural as for teenagers. Nevertheless, my students were great, ready to step outside their comfort zone and dive into the world of online language learning. I am trying to create a fun and well-planned online lesson which really needs interactivity. Therefore, I am taking courses myself to get better in online teaching.
Interactive tools makes beginners progress quicker, they are more focused and they like learning while being at home, saving time because they learn anytime and anywhere.
Do you use a Flashcard app for vocabulary learning? Would you recommend Vocabulary Miner?
I have successfully been using the app Vocabulary Miner with my students for over 2 years now. It is practical and enables students to expand and activate their vocabulary literally anytime and anywhere.
It is intuitive, user friendly and minimalistic, which is why I appreciate it and find it so effective in my lessons.
See how to use a Flashcard app for teaching vocabulary here.
Word lists in Czech-English combination by Markéta are available in Vocabulary Miner:
- Download Flashcard vocabulary app at Google Play or App Store.
- Log in
- Click at the following links to get Czech-English Word lists:
Character Traits for B2 https://vocabulary-miner.com/package/character-traits-povahove-rysy
Vazby s get/have/go for A2 https://vocabulary-miner.com/package/slovni-spojeni-s-go

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