How to Learn French: 6) Work – Talking about Careers
Welcome to the sixth episode of our “French words and lessons series: How to learn French easily”. In this installment, we’ll be exploring the language of work and careers, providing you with essential French words to navigate professional environments.
General Work Vocabulary
- Le travail (work)
- L’emploi (job)
- La carrière (career)
- Le bureau (office)
- L’entreprise (company)
These basic terms form the foundation for discussing careers in French.
Job Titles
- Le directeur / La directrice (manager)
- L’ingénieur (engineer)
- Le médecin (doctor)
- L’avocat / L’avocate (lawyer)
- L’enseignant / L’enseignante (teacher)
Being familiar with various job titles can be useful in many professional contexts.
Describing the Work Day
- Les heures de travail (working hours)
- La pause déjeuner (lunch break)
- La réunion (meeting)
- Le projet (project)
- L’échéance (deadline)
These terms will help you describe a typical workday in French.
Interview Vocabulary
- L’entretien d’embauche (job interview)
- Le CV (resume)
- La lettre de motivation (cover letter)
- La compétence (skill)
- L’expérience professionnelle (work experience)
If you’re looking for a job in a French-speaking environment, these words are essential.
Let’s Practice
Let’s put these words to use in a conversation about work:
- A: Que faites-vous dans la vie? (What do you do for a living?)
- B: Je suis ingénieur. J’aime mon travail, mais les heures sont longues. (I’m an engineer. I like my job, but the hours are long.)
Remember to keep practicing with these French words to increase your confidence in talking about work and careers in French. In the next episode, we’ll learn about time – days, months, and seasons. À bientôt!

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