English to German – Episode 2: Personal Pronouns and The Verb ‘To Be’
Learning a language starts with the basics. In this episode, we’ll tackle German personal pronouns and the verb “to be”.
Personal Pronouns
German pronouns are quite simple. They’re the building blocks of the language.
Ich translates to I. It’s used when you’re referring to yourself. Example: Ich bin Lehrer – I am a teacher.
Du is the informal word for you. Use it with friends, relatives, or people your age. Example: Du bist mein Freund – You are my friend.
Er, Sie, Es stand for he, she, it. They are used for third-person singular subjects. Examples: Er ist ein Arzt – He is a doctor. Sie ist eine Lehrerin – She is a teacher. Es ist ein Auto – It is a car.
Wir, Ihr, Sie correspond to we, you (plural, informal), they/you (plural, formal). Examples: Wir sind Studenten – We are students. Ihr seid Lehrer – You are teachers. Sie sind Ärzte – They are doctors.
The Verb ‘To Be’
The verb ‘to be’ is sein in German. Just like English, it changes depending on the subject.
Ich bin means I am. Du bist translates to you are. Er/Sie/Es ist stands for he/she/it is. Wir sind means we are. Ihr seid is you (plural) are. Sie sind corresponds to they are/you are (formal).
Learning a language is about practice. Try making sentences with the new pronouns and verb you learned today.

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